Hazard Records is an e-label (and former CDR-label), based in Barcelona and running since 1998. That makes it one of the oldest netlabels around. Some of us do not believe in Authorship, others do not believe in Ownership. None of us believe in Intellectual Property.
Our records are hosted at the Internet Archive, freely available in different formats including cd-quality wav files. Please click on one of the links below:
>>> thumbnail presentation (new records first)
>>> text presentation (older records first)
You may want to read something about us, about our albums, about intellectual property, or even about using our music in diferent contexts.
>>> HAZARD RECORDS ORIGINAL MANIFESTO 1999 (html, multilingual)
>>> FAQ (html, english)
XXth century texts:
>>> Karen Elliot. No más obras maestras Originally published as No More Masterpieces in the book Cassette Mythos, ed. Robin James, Autonomedia, 1992. Translated by Anki Toner for El Viejo Topo, nº 76, 1994 (html, printable, spanish)
>>> Anki Toner. Musica prohibida Originally published in RWS nº 2, Perifèria, 1996 (html, printable, catalan)
>>> Anki Toner. Negativland: la letra U y en número 2 (o de como Goliath aplasta a david en elmundo real) Originally published in El Viejo Topo, nº 72, 1994 (html, printable, spanish)
texts commissioned for our 15th anniversary (2014):
>>> Anki Toner. Hazard Records, 15 años (pdf, spanish, with press clips from back then)
>>> Javier Piñango. 15 años son mucho... (pdf, spanish)
>>> Jesús Brotons. Quince años con Hazard Records: La vaca, la cebada y el alguacil. (pdf, spanish)
>>> Edu Comelles. Sobre la (im)posible institucionalización de las músicas experimentales. (pdf, spanish)
>>> Blanca Rego Constela. Dominio público® (pdf, spanish)
to link to us, please use this URL:
Hazard Records' logo by Cristina Casanova Seuma (ktonycia.com)